
Non-attendance At Hustings

To clarify further my non-attendance as the returning Independent Candidate, my email autoreply stated:

“ As regards the constituency hustings I hereby ask the organisers to set out a chair for me and to read out this statement:

"“I’ve gone away from the 5thDec2019 #HowlingHustings#HowlingHustings into a series of Quaker Meetings where an hour communicates a deepening understanding and drawing together of each person’s (often adversity-forged) testimony. I would like there to be space in the hustings just to

silently reflect on the universal needs/values being communicated or frustrated in our different ideas about how to deepen democracy in a much damaged/pilfered state. Pilfered because even interrupting is

“taking the not given”.

I ask the hosts of all this election’s hustings to allocate the time they would have allocated to me in relation to each question instead to silence.

Whilst I will not be there to clutter that sacred space whilst you sort between the representatives of political parties, I will post a sign to be held up during the silences. Thank you”

As I made a contribution to the 5th December 2019 hustings which has been much valued, I invite you to listen to the first 10 minutes (or more!):


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