

#PaulCroslandIndependentCandidate has selected music and interviews (mostly from his channel) that offer a playlist whilst you still contemplate Putting A Cross For Crosland -in this general election or the next


Paul Crosland Independent Candidate

 The long game for #PaulCroslandIndependentCandidate 

To be clearer about my political ambitions than I’ve ever been before -& some are only just emerging- I’m squaring myself up for a #BuddhistFight with Suella Braverman, who could easily become the Marine Le Pen of British Politics. When I write of #RelearningSpiritualCommunity and seeking #JerusalemInAlbion , the blessed United Kingdom (Albion) with the best possible social contract may prove to be more Islamic than Christian for I struggle to understand on what basis some commentators presume traditional English(Christian) ways to be the best? I am, however, excluding a Hindu solution -unless it can free itself from the apartheid of caste- which would be some squaring of a circle. 

Encouraged by my greatest teacher, #UrgyenSangharakshita, into a study of #ComparativeReligion I’ve found a very lazy, but effective methodology, which is to listen for one faith singing the praises of another. Within my own Triratna practice this has most strongly come across in #TriratnaAssociate #TriratnaPadmavajra’s championing (& singing) #Sufism & in much I’ve heard of both brotherhood & sisterhood in Islam. Where Christianity has most touched my Buddhist teachers (eg Alan Wallace) & other faiths seems to be in Christ’s words on the cross: “Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do.”

From the sublime to the mundane, this equates to the #PaulCroslandHashtag #CircumnambulateTheElephant  because human life seems mostly to be lived at the #MindReactive (rather than #MindCreative) level and the perception of eg someone standing for election will be like that of the proverbial blind men reaching out to touch an elephant and deciding on it’s nature based simply on the first touch.


Adopt A Gammon

 The #AdoptAGammon #PaulCroslandHashtag first appeared in response to Keir Starmer's 30th June 2024 comments on countering a populist threat:

Here is the first such tweet: