-The greater potential for our well-being of political, economic & spiritual community drives Paul Crosland to stand in general elections & to write the “Relearning PCECSC trilogy“(or #PeskyTrilogy for short):Volume 1 - The Myth Of The Heartless Tory; Vol 2 - The Pioneering 108 Vagabond Custodians preparing for The Festival Of The New Society 2066; Vol 3 - Politics As A Spiritual Practice. These books will form the shares in “Refuge Tree Woods” where we gather to refine our organic plot…
The Compass Of Political Convergence
Free Integration Training Here
Reconnected with Miki Kashtan after 7 years
This is me about 7-9 years ago; proud of my Prototype "Needs Abacus":
Paul Crosland spends time at his parent's cemetery during lockdown2.5 & encourages reflection on #StJeromeAndTheLion
How have you managed to avoid becoming cynical?
S: I can understand people becoming cynical. But what is cynicism? I think cynicism arises when there is a lack of emotional positivity to safeguard one from cynicism. But I can also see that, despite their lapses and backslidings, and stumbling and straying, people do very often make, at least intermittently, a very sincere effort. So one appreciates that too. It’s not as though the backslide is the whole of the story. I’m also very conscious of the fact that a lot of people have a very unfavourable start in life, so one can’t help feeling for them, and understanding, certainly in some cases, why they find it so difficult to make progress, and why there are so many things to be sorted out.
(Introduction to #LevelUpOurLife)