

About my "Buddhist Boot Camp" inspired videos

Latest reply to a commentator on my Buddhist Boot Camp inspired videos on "Thank you Luca, I have great respect and gratitude for Stephen Bachelor both for his books and how he is face to face as a teacher. "Buddhism without Beliefs" was my entry from a state of despair (with humanity)in the face of a relationship end to my love of the Triratna Buddhist order and discovery of Ambedkarite Buddhism in India (1956 mass conversion in Nagpur to the present day). "The Faith to Doubt" is another of Stephen's books I hold dear. My interest in Timber Hawkeye's one and only book - he has no others in the pipeline and is moving from Hawaii to California to train in being a signer (sign language not sign painting) is that he has some knockout (over-simplistic) ideas and I'd love the world to understand the basic choice between loving what is and fearing it that we encounter day by day. I love Sangharakshita's assertion (in The Relgion of Art) that the core value of Buddhism is fearlessness, and this fearlessness to me now, is the product of wisdom & compassion. Also I love "Buddhist Boot Camp - Repentance"; video of that name uploaded yesterday and the basic idea that the world would be better if we levelled out working for money to approx 20hours for each person (in The West); to which I suggest we also have an equal number of hours in our lives socialising in ways that exchange Timebank credits. All of this has to be conveyed simply to others (well, that's my chosen mission); what would it take for me to recruit you onto the team - money etc?"


Explaining the nature of the #2066 #Timebanking Gallery

The space is intended to be a hub for the engagement of local people in exchanging services through the principle of timebanking. The St Leonards Sharing Timebank aim is that at least 40 hours a week of doing odd jobs for each other are undertaken in the Southwater Area. Rather than just present this on I intend to present the community-building nature of this work through encouraging a greater flow of the community into a Timebanking themed Gallery, to be called the #2066 #Timebanking Gallery, where people will be able to borrow from 5 bookcases of Mind, Body, Spirit (& other books), engage in dialogue with the Gallery Assistant and possibly buy a number of items. The key items on sale are presently planned to be books about Community Development work, how people have learned to live well despite low incomes, how more equal societies are happier and how to engage better in Needs-based dialogue and co-create empowered communities. Photos that I had in a 2012 Coastal Currents exhibition and CDs of performers at the Timebank events will also feature.

A range of events will be regularly provided that will use the main hall for eg a folk singer or a training like that which approximately 20 people attended In September 2011 (Dialogue Road Map Training) & the chair of Hastings Pier & White Rock Trust, having been greatly moved by, said he would recommend to all boards of Trustees with which he was engaged. With the intention of demonstrating the much wider range of applicability of this training it seems best to also mention Stuart, a homeless guy who turned up at the Southwater Centre instead of the Seaview centre and was given accommodation by another of the event attendees. Stuart also valued the two day training, not just for the friendliness experienced and high quality of connection with others but for the learning.

Until the Timebank grows I can only guarantee the following opening hours for the #2066 #Timebanking Gallery:
Monday 1pm-6pm
Friday 12-8pm
Entry at other times will be based on appointment & I would also maintain the Mediation Service I run ( from this space along with having the more private space for sensitive dialogue upstairs.

On a couple of Fridays a month I would intend to host meetings of Hastings & St Leonards Action For Happiness.

The value base of all activities is that they be carried out with "openness, accountability, and be focused on co-creating more caring and sharing community."

Kind regards

Paul Crosland
Community Development

#FreeRange #Buddhist
Curator of #2066 #Timebanking Gallery
The Imperfect Idealist
"Lend-It-All Man"
Action For Hastings Happiness 'Pay It Forward' Rickshaw Captain

Tel 0780 7066202


Action for Hastings Happiness" Freelending, Timebanking & Community Share Gallery

"Action for Hastings Happiness" Freelending, Timebanking & Community Share Gallery."

Opening 1st Feb 2pm-6pm, then free meal followed by 7pm free gig from Susanna Orr Holland (from Edinburgh) launching her CD, "February" in her first East Sussex Gig.

Core gallery opening times:
From Monday 3rd February 2014 to June 2014 summer closure period:
Mondays Noon-6pm (including Bank Holidays)
Fridays Noon-8pm
Gallery open at other times by arrangement - Telephone Paul Crosland on 07807 06202

Those who visit the SouthwaterArea Centre for the Freelender library are invited to read the books there. Having tried that, books of which there are multiple copies may be taken home.
Those who find the gallery opening times too limited at present are invited to volunteer to open the gallery at other times. Gallery Staff are recompensed in St Leonards Timebank credits, exchangeable for an ever widening range of services, rent payment and food within St Leonards.
The option of ordering your first book for delivery to your home at no charge exists via - following which, to order extra home delivery of books at a time convenient to you, you will need to spend a Timebank credit, which can be earned in a number of ways including:
Fridays 7pm-8pm "#SouthwaterArea Community Development" mini filmshow - a valued opportunity to give feedback on the filmed work of Mediation Support Ltd & Freelending Community Interest Company
1st & 3rd Fridays 8pm-9pm "Action for Hastings Happiness" meetings
2nd & 4th Fridays 8pm-9pm #FreeRange #Buddhist led discussion on cultural & ethical regeneration in Hastings & St Leonards

Kind regards

Paul Crosland
Community Development

#FreeRange #Buddhist
The Imperfect Idealist
"Lend-It-All Man"
Action For Hastings Happiness 'Pay It Forward' Rickshaw Captain

Tel 0780 7066202

STOP PRESS: Lifecoach reminds me to refocus on helping others. THUS LESS CROSLAND pseudo art (in a search for belonging & redemption) & a RENAMING 1st Feb opening.
"Action for Hastings Happiness" Freelending, Timebanking & Community Share Gallery."

This is a team-based "right livelihood" as first announced at

The recompense for the first 15hours with me is £75+15 Timebank hours (what this can be traded for includes 15hours from*) + 75 #SouthwaterArea community shares (to be explained within the 15hours in the gallery).

*Endorsement from Hastings Pier Charity Trustee, Ray Chapman: etc etc

Why perpetuate the blame game when you could take responsibility (having first expressed your pain with a simple 'OUCH': ?


Work alongside me please in the gallery for a while

“HASTINGS PIER FIRE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Art Gallery” will be opened in St Leonards on 1st February 2014 by #FreeRange #Buddhist #2066 - as advertised on

GALLERY STAFF WANTED - Try a 15 hour contract, for which you get £75+15hours Timebank credits+100 SouthwaterAreaCommunityShares - AGM held on every anniversary of the Oct 5th 2010 Hastings Pier Fire

(Please submit your Art on the themes of the Hastings Pier Fire &/or Community Development)

More inspiration available from

#FreeRange #Buddhist Action For Hastings Happiness ‘Pay It Forward’ Rickshaw ‘Captain’ & servant of the (wisdom & compassion?) machine that is

Tel 0780 70 66 202

Four precious letters (OUCH):

And here’s what you can count on me for:…

GALLERY STAFF WANTED - Try a 15 hour contract, for which you get £75+15hours Timebank credits+100 SouthwaterAreaCommunityShares - AGM held on every anniversary of the Oct 5th 2010 Hastings Pier Fire


A bit of my work in photo form

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May everyone be loved well,
#FreeRange #Buddhist
Tel 0780 70 66 202
From Spring 2014, how will you interact with:
1) The Action For Hastings Happiness 'Pay It Forward' Rickshaw?
2) The Book "No Blame, No Pain (Shades of bad/mad/sad/dangerous to know & how we apply these to self/other)?

PS. How do you want to be loved?
PPS. What's my role in that?

The Story Behind "Secrets of the Norman Invasion" & copies of the book available from

The film of the Story Behind "Secrets of the Norman Invasion" is also now out! I await reviews from my Historian friend, personal biographer, Queen's employee and friend of 30+ years, Chris :
All feedback as welcome as I am can make myself open to.

If you don't like what I do try or do you know a better way for someone who wants a heart-to-heart with you (or vica versa)? If it's not communication from and positively to the heart you want, what theory of trying to / wanting to change people's behaviour do you work from & does it really work?
How about ApologyPlus - more than sorry ?

Love from Paul
#FreeRange #Buddhist #2066

+ Action For Hastings Happiness 'Pay It Forward' Rickshaw 'Captain'
& servant of the (WisdomCompassion?) machine that aspires to be for the world
(beyond my consciousness)
The latest of 2,000+ YouTube films from Paul Crosland:
Do you prefer to connect more straight-forwardly? :
Tel 0780 70 66 202

PS. How do you want to be loved?
PPS. What's my role in that?
PPPS. My preferred ways of co-creating a "more caring and sharing
community" around you me and us is on my home page:
(I like to be loved by people subscribing to the YouTube Channel $. Giving feedback on the output from my Playfully Serious Community Development heart.)
& what you can expect from me is here:

*"Of course, there's nothing wrong with being wrong", by which I mean that there is no fixed moral value attached to making mistakes. They are what they are - not ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Also - from an F.M. Alexander perspective it is by ‘being wrong’ that we break habits and discover the flow of life.

You can lead a horse to water

...but you can't make it drink

My "bleeding heart" experience of how people "communicate" when their emotions are running high is that e.g. I will show e.g. competitiveness in how I use words and body. If in dialogue anyone seeks to win or make anyone (morally) wrong, we all lose.

I'm specifically interested in assumptions made about the wrong* that is the judgement any of us make when we think that someone else's communication style is dysfunctional.

What intrigues me about being on the IMPACTFUL receiving end of the phrase "BAD communicator" is the hidden implicit assumptions about my intentions?
What does the other person presume I'm trying to do in using my mind, body & speech how I choose to use them?

From there we can then unfold what pain lies behind the strategy of making the other wrong for expressing their concerns/values/needs in the best way they can access at the time.

I dearly love to work with others who are committed to:
"identifying one's communication conditioning,
changing the pattern so that needs are (imaginatively) brought to a head, assumptions carefully checked and the concept of self responsibility is deeply embodied."


1) Will you try out the on-line empathy process I co-created on and/or it's first sister site: ? - and/or read the GRIEVANCE POLICY that Hastings Pier Charity (under the name HPWRT) commissioned Mediation Support Ltd (of which I am the Director) to write - see the tab on & send me feedback today?

2) Would you like to join me in one to one or group sessions looking at our communication on a journey to a form of communication that is freed from most of the win-lose or compromise assumptions of the "domination culture"?

3) and/or please send me a full account of what's there for you in terms of unease, grudges and fears at present and I will respond to your written words or video of your concerns in such a way that will be astoundingly different from the poverty you may perceive in directly talking to me.

A strong sense of what it might take to get on the same page but a whole wiser and more compassionate realm of interconnection is implicit in the following background links that relate to work (to be repeated on request) with an international level trainer in "The Dialogue Road Map".
This training by. Maria Arpa was last delivered in Hastings & St Leonards on the the 9th-11th September 2011. Amongst those invitees who attended and valued the training as essential was the chair of the Hastings Pier Charity, Ray Chapman who you'll hear recommending it on: & And is this page relevant too?
Please also look at:

To practice a less well developed version of communicating via the four steps of making an OBSERVATION, expressing a FEELING, linking the feeling to a causal NEED & making a REQUEST:
1) My observation is that I've had less than 3 hours sleep
2) I'm feeling raw
3) The needs/values I'm in touch with are peace, harmony, acceptance of difference?, (joy in diversity?), learning/wisdom, ease, friendship, challenge & break-through beyond all the previous failures.
4) My request is that you watch at least part one of Maria Arpa's video about the fairness button that is easily triggered within each of us. Could you, within a week, let me know if you'd like some interaction with Maria Arpa by phoning me on 0780 70 66 202 and then we can clarify how we might get more of what we want from Maria and, like with everyone else, less of what we don't want or don't believe serves our (higher) interests well.
My parting advice to stay connected with someone is to avoid the "3 Ds of disconnection" :
1) Deserve-based language
2) Demand
3) Denial of Responsibility

There's a 4th D but I've forgotten it. Time for some humility around what I don't know in terms of effective strategies to bring people into NVC (nonviolent communication), or at least into mutual comprehension.

May everyone be loved well,
#FreeRange #Buddhist

+ Action For Hastings Happiness 'Pay It Forward' Rickshaw 'Captain'
& servant of the (WisdomCompassion?) machine that aspires to be for the world
(beyond my consciousness)
The latest of 2,000+ YouTube films from Paul Crosland:
Do you prefer to connect more straight-forwardly? :
Tel 0780 70 66 202

PS. How do you want to be loved?
PPS. What's my role in that?
PPPS. My preferred ways of co-creating a "more caring and sharing
community" around you me and us is on my home page:
& what you can expect from me is here:
*"Of course, there's nothing wrong with being wrong", by which I mean that there is no fixed moral value attached to making mistakes. They are what they are - not ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Also - from an F.M. Alexander perspective it is by ‘being wrong’ that we break habits and discover the flow of life.

Location:Quarry Hill,Hastings,United Kingdom


Dear Friends & Family & those to whom I try to be more friendly (i.e.everyone)

At last a credible account of the financial future has fallen into my lap and so I share it.

Money Week Promotion and Fair Warning of What's to come that the Politicians and most Media hide/deny

I read as far as the "Wealth Preservation Plan" and realised that Money Week was not taking it's share of responsibility for the causes of the problem - obsession with money (to quote my sister's accusation against me) outweighing the interest in how we build "more caring and sharing communities" through brilliant breakthroughs like Prof Heinz Wolff's "" YouTube film shows. My interview with him is longer and noisier but relevant and filmed at the HQ of my former funders, the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA). I could like this article, cite the evidence of the credibility of my recommendations. One of these is that Forum for the Future (the leading environmental think tank) recognised the work I was doing with Edmund Johnson (we co-direct Freelending CIC) as "years ahead of it's time in preparing for the future economy".
This is a time when religious communities are key and no model appears as strong (theoretically and in my lived experience) as the Triratna Buddhist movements vision of the New Society. Sadly, many of the team based right livelihoods have worked on consumerist economics as their foundation rather than "collaborative consumption" or it's overdue successors of sustainable local communities where street by street dialogue takes places about resource needs and consumption,right down to the difficult (but far less painful than social unrest) questions of how many cars do we need, how many children etc. OK, how are we going to get/share them?
Yes, maybe I've crossed a threshold in asking my questions this way about how we are caring for the elderly etc - ideally through a new growth of Team Based Right Livelihoods that are working with the following life-saving ideas:
1)"consecutive consumption" as preferable to the "ethical dumping" of freecycle /charity shops etc
2) Timebanking
3) Care4Care as a strategy to save the NHS by the community stepping up the plate and meeting our family/neighbours care needs.

If you are interested in this further much relevant material is on this blog (in other posts and pages/links on the left). Much more is actually available if you work with me in Hastings/London/SE England on leafleting and person to person dialogue (inspired by my 6months as a Karuna Doorknocker) about the pressing need for us to learn from India etc about how to live a (better?) life for less money by boosting community in the most challenging ways to our British Reserve. Hiding in our castles (or trying to build them financially) is what really spells the end for Britain.


Kind regards
(Tel 0780 7066202)
#FreeRange #Buddhist AKA The Imperfect Idealist AKA Man of Shirts' 2.
(My work can be summed up as Community Development; I do a lot of this on my own).
Formally "Lend-It-All Man".
Integrally YouTube Channel toothpaste007:

& a guitar masterclass from John Casey, Katrineholm, Sweden in "If I were a carpenter" by Tim Hardin:


Paul Crosland Ego Project Status

(NB This is a direct link to the above video

Please explore the relevance of to your life. (According to my research in one classroom alone 88% of the students wanted apologies from someone at any given time.)
or would you prefer to engage with the wisdom and compassion you can cultivate on instead?

Location:Hastings,United Kingdom


This is NOT the first Action for Hastings and St Leonards Happiness blog

Action for Hastings and St Leonards Happiness has been active since the 12th April 2012 national launch of Action for Happiness

Thank you for visiting here. Have you liked us on Facebook yet?

Do you know about the 24th April 2014 launch of this service at no charge:

If you want to visit the established Action for Hastings and St Leonards Happiness blog that here:

[default blog footer]
May everyone be loved well,
#FreeRange #Buddhist
Tel 0780 70 66 202
From Spring 2014, how will you interact with:
1) The Action For Hastings Happiness 'Pay It Forward' Rickshaw?
2) The Book "No Blame, No Pain (Shades of bad/mad/sad/dangerous to know & how we apply these to self/other)?

PS. How do you want to be loved?
PPS. What's my role in that?

No Blame, No Pain by Paul Crosland

New Book/Essay Cover : "No Blame, No Pain"here
90 second film with book cover designer:
Other quick plugs:

Still growing, even though I've taken these two websites off-line. (Phone me on Zero780 7066202 instead)

Offer to Neighbours - Draft leaflet awaits your feedback

Is there anything you, or a neighbour, need help with?

Would something you're doing be easier with a bit of support?

Do you get all the moral support and practical support you could possibly get to handle the difficulties of your life and make the best of it?


I guess you now have some questions too. Like:
      1) Who is offering you and your neighbours support?
      2) What do they have that could make a worthwhile difference?
      3) What's in it for them?

So, how are you going to get answers to your questions?
A) By ringing Paul Crosland on 07807066202 and, if he doesn't answer, maybe leaving a message?
B) By waiting for him to come back and then having a conversation with him about who he works for and with and what the full range is of what he and his friends/colleagues are offering?
C) ?

Or will this be your internal dialogue as a way of responding to Paul's latest attempt to co-create a "more caring and sharing community" around you?:

Your words?:
"Firstly, I'm not very open to change, even if it's for the better. I want to stay in my 'comfort zone', even though I may be missing out on support or friendship that could transform my life or the life of those I care about.
So I have to find a reason to put this opportunity down, and I'll do that by reaching into the depths of my mistrust of others and the world.
As what I'm being offered brings up my fear of the unknown, it must either have a catch in it or it is bound to be problematic in some way.
Thus I will resist further communication with whoever it was who gave their time to get their offer to me and my neighbours.
I want to be left alone, now and forever."

Is that what's going on for you? Or are you just too busy for this?
Please text "Yes, No, or Maybe/Sort Of/Busy" to Paul Crosland on 07807066202.
To help us use our time better, your address too, whether your reply is on behalf of the whole household, and maybe your name?

We welcome any other feedback you are kind enough to give us about this initiative.


Heinz Meanz

Guesstimate the percentage of people around you who are....
- Time Rich and Money Poor?
- Money Rich and Time Poor?
- Time Poor and Money Poor?
- Money Rich and Time Rich?

How would you encourage people to better use their time/money to co-create a more caring and sharing community?

How about this approach to addressing the unevenness that creates so much (relative) misery?:
"No more do you have to save up for so many consumer items, the things you want and need are increasingly on or, for those not using the internet for sharing, People are now getting to meet their neighbours more and daring to ask to borrow stuff and help each other. Wonderful news, as long as it's done responsibly."

Skills get traded and new skills learned through your local Timebank. 
This is how people can afford to get services from others that they couldn't before:
1) the philosophy is "your hour is as valuable as my hour" 
2) you don't have to find a direct swap of services; the timebank broker finds creative ways you can earn your timebank hours, including for attending community meetings and delivering these leaflets or doing what you most love to do for others. 
3) It's easier to earn timebank credits than you think.

I'm particularly interested to hear from you:
1) a view you have about your local community 
2) something you'd like someone to offer to you
3) a skill you'd like to develop 
4) a grief or grievance you have?
5) your first name (& first letter of your surname?)
6) your photo?

#CommunityDevelopment sayings

I'd like to make it easier for people to get hold of tools and DVDs and books and transport and party items on our street without buying them. That's only half of why I streetbank; the rest is all the wonderful connections and unexpected benefits that come from knowing neighbours better. (

I like what you do and I'd like some hours of your time, please. Do you #timebank and what is it that you want our timebank to do (for you)? I love how the Timebank events build local skills whilst banking hours that go to serve marginalised members of the community. Thus we prevent evictions, boost family life and direct where there is need the energy of the surplus hours we accidentally create just by doing what we love to do with others.(

It's likely that I'll be older in the not too distant future and in need of help with shopping, cooking, caring in order to be fairly independent in the home I have. I timebank Care4Care hours and thus become a shareholder in Freelending Community Interest Company, in which I now have a vested interest to ensure this care service (that wonderful Heinz Wolff devised) rolls down from generation to generation.


more caring and sharing community

Enrich your life thus?

1) Put your books, DVDs, Skills to share etc on
2) Make new connections and share your sharing stories at
3) Let Paul Crosland ("#FreeRange #Buddhist" & "Lend-It-All Man") know what items/skills you want to be able to borrow through rather than buy anything ever again?, like the "Moneyless Man" has managed for 3 years now.
Less ambitiously, perhaps just share your book "wish list" or list the tools needed for some repairs; food, rent and care for the elderly/"needy" are longer term ambitions to be provided by timebanking.
4) Dare to dream of living a better quality, more connected life that costs you less and together we'll co-create the more caring & sharing community around us.

Meanwhile, if you want a taste of the Buddhist (and Pagan) Enquiry /practice driving my contribution to this work  prepare to find it confusing and esoteric:


#FreeRange #Buddhist - Search Me!

"#FreeRange #Buddhist"  walking and searching for soul and being available to give time, whilst making the YouTube Channel "toothpaste007" films that are integral to who I am.
This persona seems really integrated and appears both sustainable and growthful, a balancing act that the economic-political world hasn't got yet.
There's a long way to go yet before we get enough re-balancing.
Look me up?

Look me up? -Please. And thank you for following...

The "Search for me" link is here again; keep coming back & pressing it!


Barclays, Stock Devaluation, Pensions, Credit Unions, Church of England, Bank of England and Buddhist Door-Knockers led by Jayaraja building community - some synergy please!

Whistleblower on the unsustainability of the Monetary/Debt/ Capitalist/Unethical "System", Paul Crosland, visits former Bank of England Director, Sir Mervin King to discuss Barclays losing 8% of stock market value yesterday, parallel Pension fund loses, and proposes that one way the tide could turn is for institutions like the Church of England sacrificing some capital to support Credit Unions setting up pension schemes involving money and twenty year Timebanking investments in a Care4Care scheme, inspired by Prof Heinz Wolff on
(This film is the first part of a journey to meet my influential neighbours & encourage you to build your economy around you with your neighbours in good time.)
Phone me on Zero7807066202 for interviews including the work of Freelending CIC which I co-direct and has been brought in to provide strategy advice for Timebanking UK & has been said to be years ahead by the leading(?) UK Sustainability Think-Tank.
The film about this below really gets going after a minute that may seem bizarre; to keep my credibility I embed the relevant YouTube footage of the referred to Woodpecker below this film:


Sharing my values and my stand for generosity

I value being part of a team working on a joint project. I so want to belong somewhere and feel both useful and nourished. This is an example of what I might do once embedded in a new community context: