

Three new initiatives in protecting St Leonards concerns

1) The "Non-exploitation card" scheme -making purchases in Hastings & St Leonards 20% cheaper for those who make a non-property-profiteering agreement:

2) St Leonards TownTeam (
A response to the Portas Bid video submitted on 30th March 2012:

Portas Bid video

3) Team St Leonards
[Watch this space &

Meanwhile a St Leonards Community Facebook page has been set up by Ali

Paul has recorded this in the bath!:

& Paul has (allegedly) improved on Damian Hirst's Art:

 The video on YouTube has a link to the website where Paul would be grateful, warm & fuzzy if you engaged in voting for the St Leonards Love Statue of your choice on
NB 8 themes (for the vote on the drama you want written about what's going on here -& elsewhere):
Local community (re)generation themes:

  1. The ongoing loss of justice in relation to those known to have been on the pier on the night of the fire & the consequences of not resolving this to the satisfaction of the community?
  2. What difference the Jerwood Gallery is making, or will -in time- make to Hastings, and whether there is harm to be addressed here too?
  3. What "St Leonards Love Statues" could do for "St Leonards" in the way that Anthony Gormley statues eg "The Angel of the North" have done for their local areas?
  4. How to stop developments squeezing out much that we value here?
  5. How we can best address social exclusion and the roots of social unrest?
  6. “Sustainable Local Futures” - in the new world economic order, undertaking the transition to a local economy that is more independent of world shocks?
  7. “The amazing wealth of original, talented young people ,numerous local, high profile events and projects” promoted by The Respond Academy, amongst others?
  8. "Ethical Outings in Hastings & St Leonards" (in relation to Arson etc) & what role we play across all generations in "character building" and taking responsibility, rather than letting things get worse.